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The Google Science Fair aims to be the largest global online science fair for students 13-18 years of age. Students will submit their science projects as a Google Site in English to compete for internships, scholarships and other prizes.***

This Science Fair is open to individual students who are 13-18 years of age. That is, your child must be 13 years old on, or before, 11 January 2011 and he/she must be 18 years old, or younger, on 4 April 2011.

By submitting this parental consent, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

For more Info watch this video

1. I have read and understood the Science Fair Rules for the Google Science Fair. As parent and legal guardian of my child, I permit him/her to participate in the Science Fair described in the Science Fair Rules. Furthermore, my child and I agree to be bound by the Science Fair Rules and the terms of this parental consent.

2. I, as parent and legal guardian of my child, affirm that my child is between 13-18 years old. If he/she is 13 or 18 years old, I affirm that he/she turned 13 years old on or before 11 January 2011, or that he/she was 18 years old on or after 4 April 2011.

3. I understand that participation in a Science Fair involves a certain degree of risk that could result in injury or other unintended consequences. My child's participation in the Google Science Fair is voluntary, and as such, I agree to be solely responsible for my child's safety while he/she is working on his/her science project.

4. I am aware of the risks involved and take full responsibility and waive any claims of personal injury or damage to personal property associated with my child's participation in the Google Science Fair.

5. I understand and agree that participation in this Science Fair means that my child may have to use Google products including, but not limited to, the following: Google Sites, Google Docs, Google Calendar, YouTube, Google Maps, Picasa. To the extent my child uses these products, I agree, on my child's behalf, to be bound by their terms of service, which can be found at the following link:

6. If my child is selected as a winner during the initial round of judging, I understand that my child, accompanied by myself or another parent or legal guardian, will have to travel to Mountain View, California, on or about July 11, 2011.

7. I also agree that if my child is selected, Google has the right to use his or her first name and likeness in any promotion or marketing related to the Science Fair, without further compensation to myself.

8. Privacy Disclaimer: Any personal information collected during the course of the Science Fair by Google will only be used for administering this competition, or as otherwise set out in the Science Fair Rules

For Details And Registration

With Regards

Dinesh Kumar

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Thanks & Regards
Sabarinathan G


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